Muscle loss or sarcopenia is one of the leading causes of increased mortality and low quality of life. In the United States, it costs the healthcare industry 40.4 billion dollars annually. Today, Eric Kuhrts, the inventor of a truly revolutionary new product that can reverse muscle aging and increase strength and endurance, Myotrol, discusses how Myotrol works and why it could end muscle loss and the inevitable health problems that go with it. Some of Myotrol’s benefits are people find it easier to be more active and their stamina and endurance increase. Join today, and let’s dive deeper into the value of Myotrol in overcoming sarcopenia.
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Myotrol – A Breakthrough In Muscle & Energy Creation
An Interview With Eric Kuhrts, Creator Of Myotrol
Muscle loss or sarcopenia is one of the leading causes of increased mortality and low quality of life. In the United States alone, it ends up costing the healthcare industry $40.4 billion a year. In this episode, we are talking to Eric Kuhrts, the inventor of a truly revolutionary new product that can reverse muscle aging and increase strength and endurance called Myotrol. Eric is a research-based scientist and inventor who holds over twenty different patents.
He has made significant discoveries and breakthroughs in the space of therapeutic nutraceutical product creation and research for many years. We had the opportunity to speak to Eric and get into detail about how Myotrol works and why it could possibly put an end to muscle wasting and the inevitable health problems that go with it. Get ready to live forever young.
Eric, we are honored that you could join us at the show. We’ve been talking to you for a while now about your new creation called Myotrol but before we get started talking about that, would you mind giving us a little background about yourself and how you got into the world of life science and the development of nutraceuticals?
I’ve been involved in research and development and product, especially product proprietary and development in the nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industry for many years. As a result of that, I developed a number of different innovative proprietary patented technologies both on the formulation side as well as the finished product side. For the last few years, my focus has been more on discovery-based research related to new applications for natural ingredients and also the formulations that would be needed to make those effective.
How long have you been working on the development of Myotrol?
Myotrol emerged over the last couple of years. It’s primarily related to the unsolved issues or problems related to aging muscle and people because there aren’t any effective formulations for dealing with muscle loss that comes with aging. There appears to be a huge vacuum there for products that could be effective for that purpose.
The motivation for you to start the development of Myotrol was to ultimately find a solution for aging muscle.
That’s correct. The particular emphasis on screening different natural compounds for gene activity is what’s called gene expression.
Were there some breakthroughs in the field of life sciences that you learned from other people who helped you along the way with your research and development?
Over the years, I’ve been following the research areas that are involved in aging muscle loss itself. One of the things that kept popping up was many companies were focused on anti-aging and attempting to increase the lifespan of both humans and animals. Very few people were looking at practical aspects of the quality of life that’s associated with aging. One of the big gorillas in the living room was the loss of functionality or mobility that comes with the loss of muscle strength. Also, the corresponding lack of energy associated with movement and muscles in general.
The loss of functionality or mobility comes with the loss of muscle strength and the corresponding lack of energy associated with movement and muscles. Share on XIt’s fair to say the purpose of the new development now that’s called Myotrol is to help people restore their level of muscle back to a younger age and in addition to help increase their energy.
That’s correct. It’s energy and endurance because endurance or stamina is one of the key things that you’ll hear people complaining about as they get older. They’re like, “I have a lack of energy.” What specifically is that lack of energy associated with? Basically, it’s getting off the couch at a certain point. It’s getting motivated to be able to get out and engage in some activity.
I remember I went to visit my sister and her three grandchildren. The first thing they want to do is go out and play kickball. They want to run around and they expect you to get up to bat, kick the ball, and run the first base. If you’re going to play kickball for a whole hour, chase after the ball, and run the bases with your grandkids, you definitely need a lot of stamina and you have to have strength to be able to kick the ball. Otherwise, you’re sitting on the sideline cheering on some young people.
Millions of people every year go to the doctor complaining of low energy to see if it’s Chronic Fatigue syndrome. A lot of that comes from not having the motivation to get up off the couch. It’s the energy. Obviously, if you’re not motivated to get off the couch, the muscle wasting that you’re already undergoing as you’re aging is only compounding. As they say, if you don’t use it, you lose it.
There was some information we were talking about earlier about how bad the problem is. Apparently, by the time someone gets to be 50 years old, they’ve lost between 15% and 30% of all of their muscle and then it keeps going as you age. You keep losing muscle at about 10% every decade. I’d also heard that when you turn to be around 75, there’s another precipitous drop. By the time people get to be 80 years old, most of them have lost over half of their muscle.
That’s correct. In the last decades, scientific research has begun to unravel. What is going on in terms of aging tissue and muscle? What contributes to a lack of muscle strength as we age? Which genes are specifically involved in that process and also which signaling pathways and enzyme systems are related? It’s because you need a system-wide approach to deal with that problem.
Eric, how did you go about the process? Could you describe to us the process of how you particularly create a new product like this? We know you’re using research of your own and from the field of life science, but how do you go from reading and research to having a finished product?
Not to trivialize it, but basically, conducting discovery-based research these days can be from the laboratory using DNA arrays. For example, there’s a DNA chip that measures over 28,000 different human genes. Looking at the human genome and seeing which specific natural molecules can either up-regulate, which means increased activity, or down-regulate, which means decrease the activity of different genes.
Those genes are the building blocks behind proteins and other enzyme systems which are more complex systems, which are upstream. The building blocks themselves are the genes. If you can activate them, you can set in motion a whole cascade of activities that travel upstream and downstream back and forth through a network of energy channels, which ultimately result in effects that can be felt in the muscles themselves and in the energy levels that a person experiences.
Using that technology piece plus your years of experience in the field, you’re able to draw things from here and there, science from here, knowledge you have from the past, and put it all together in that creation. How do you go about testing it once you have what you think might work? What’s the next step?
First, we look for the gene activities. The good news is that, in the last decades, science has discovered which genes are key genes that are related to things like declining muscle with aging. Some of these genes are contained in what’s called the mitochondria, which is the power source within our cells. The mitochondria are an extremely important aspect here. Where we’ve gone beyond the Myotrol product is beyond so-called anti-aging supplements that might be primarily focused on stimulating NAD and what’s called NAD in the mitochondria. Myotrol deals with the entire system of signaling pathways that start in the mitochondria with things like NAD and the genes that are associated with regenerating that power source in the cell.

Myotrol: In the last 30 or 40 years, science discovered some key genes related to declining muscle with aging contain mitochondria.
However, it also deals systemically with all the other signaling pathways that can act to suppress that activity because it’s one thing emulating a particular gene system in an energy source like the mitochondria. It’s another thing translating that into actual practical or tangible effects in muscle. That’s the difference between the micro and the macro. Most of the longevity research has been focused on the mitochondria and there’s a reason for that. We have a subset of aging which is which is a decline in muscle strain, but overall aging itself, the same principles are involved here that are related to muscle as are involved with the decline in vitality and aging itself.
We’re not focusing primarily on lengthening lifespan. The fact of the matter is that comes with the territory because you need to do the same types of things that would lengthen lifespan to revitalize. You’re revitalizing not just muscle but other tissues in the body. Those aging tissues, even organs like the heart, the liver, and different things, all of them decline as we get older. Part of this process is to regenerate the entire system. It’s a system-wide approach.
That makes sense because we were doing some research and some of the health issues that can come up from muscle loss. You lose your balance. You fall. You could get osteoporosis. You could have issues with blood flow, respiratory issues, digestive issues, urination issues, and vision issues. What you’re saying is right. As you lose muscle, the whole system starts to follow. If you do something to increase muscle and the way that it performs, it’ll help the whole system as a whole.
It’s looking at it as taking one focus and saying, “This can work for the rest of the body.” That’s interesting. I have an 85-year-old Aunt who I noticeably can see that, within the last 5 to 6 years, she has gone from being a healthy weight. The last time I saw her, she weighed 98, almost 100 or maybe 102 pounds at the most. It’s crazy. That drop-off is so pronounced, especially as you age and the muscle wasting. I’ve seen it so I can relate to that part of it anyway.
There are two things that I want to emphasize that happened or where research, over the years, focused on that relate to both aging in general and muscle loss in particular. The two things that have been found to be primarily linked to lifespan are exercise and fasting. Everybody got interested in fasting a number of years ago because it’s associated with the stimulation of a particular gene. Exercise has been found, for many years now, to be beneficial in terms of lengthening both animal and human lifespan. Something is going on with those two things that stimulate certain genes and enzymes in the body that are very beneficial.
We started looking at what those gene sets were that are activated by both fasting and exercise because they’re different systems but they are related. We found that we can mimic or stimulate the same types of processes that go on with either fasting or exercise without having to do either one of those things. Most people don’t have the discipline to fast or to get out and exercise right now. I’m not saying that people should stop watching their diet and not get out and exercise because it will only be better if they complement exercise and dietary moderation. With Myotrol, it’s the best of all worlds. It only gets better.
If they complement exercise and dietary moderation with Myotrol, then it's the best of all worlds. It only gets better. Share on XEric, we encourage people to exercise all the time. I have episodes about it and how to modify their habits and not have a sedentary lifestyle. Can you tell us a little bit about what is going on with Myotrol that helps people feel motivated to exercise?
That’s a good question because part of it is difficult to explain all of the different aspects that the Myotrol product deals with. We’re touching on a few of them but there are much deeper levels of which can be gone on a number of different key systems. One of those is called the Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor. It’s a complicated-sounding name, but it’s abbreviated as BDNF. Basically, BDNF is going to be the gene or the system that’s associated with hand-eye coordination and the mobility of the body. The brain has to send a signal to other parts of the body to initiate movement. If you think about it, it’s a very practical thing. First, you have to have the thought that you’re going to get up from the couch or the chair or get out of bed.
That first comes the thought. The thought sends a signal to the muscles that initiate the movement. Part of the problem that happens as people age is the transmission of the information or the connection between the thinking process or the brain and the movement of the body or the motility. The motility starts being affected. The signals are not traveling as well as they used to. Part of what Myotrol attempts to address is stimulating the activity of BDNF in the body and the brain which helps with the motility issue.
That’s one of a number of different systems that are activated by Myotrol but it’s an important one. The motivation or the ability to get out and do something to get out and exercise is extremely important. As we were saying before, we’re not suggesting that Myotrol is going to take the place of either exercise or dietary restriction. What we are saying is that Myotrol will enhance all those other activities that come with the territory. That’s an important point.

Myotrol: Myotrol will enhance those other activities that come with the territory.
I agree. I also think it’s important to note that Myotrol is working on genetic signaling. From what I understand about the product, you would want to take it with something that provides the nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and good fats that the body needs in order to rebuild and repair. It’s because as you become more active, you get more energetic and you start to develop more muscles through these genetic signals. You’re going to need the building blocks to create those. As Myotrol can sound the alarm by creating these signals, you would want great nutrition to be able to make it work even better hand-in-hand with the exercise, I would think.
That’s correct. Myotrol is different from other current supplements like vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids, and even anabolic steroids like testosterone, injections, and things like that. It’s not dealing with those dietary sources of potential energy like taking a lot of protein powder and things like that. It’s only going to go so far. If you don’t also activate or deal with the declining activity of the different gene pools or the groups of genes in the mitochondria and other parts of the body, which goes all the way from the power source out through the network and eventually finds its way to the muscle that also interacts with the brain, that’s what makes Myotrol very unique. You might be taking protein powders and all these other nutritional products. That’s great.
You need those things, but you need something else that’s a system-wide tuning mechanism that changes other aspects of the body that are key building blocks to enable those supplements to work to their maximum effect. You can take a bunch of protein powder and then hope that you’re going to get out and exercise, run, and everything. Most people over 60 or 70 will notice that they don’t get as much energy from things like protein supplements as they used to. There’s a reason for that because of the declining activity within the cells and the genes in the cells in the building blocks.
It’s because that activity is slowed down internally. Not with the creation of the muscle but with the sign. Are we supposed to be building muscle? They’re lost. You got to wake that signal up to the genetic signals is what I’m understanding from speaking with you.
There are signaling pathways that could be thought of as roads. These roads are these freeways that start over time. If they’re not repaired on a regular basis, it starts falling apart. There are potholes and different things. There are also things in the body like traffic cops that regulate the flow of energy. There are also chaperones. There are molecules that chaperone some of these beneficial substances like proteins and so on. If you don’t have the chaperones, the traffic cops, the repaired potholes, which are the signaling pathways, and the energy source itself, which is the source of the entire energy System in the mitochondria, no matter how much protein or vitamins and things that you take, it’s going to be minimally affected.
You were talking about protein powders. A lot of people are familiar with how to take powders. We have great powder supplements as well. How is Myotrol used? How do you take the supplement?
Along with your general products that you’re taking like protein supplements, you would take the Myotrol on a daily basis. For example, in the morning. Prior to or a few hours before consuming the other supplements, you could also take them simultaneously. It’s not going to matter that much. What Myotrol is going to do is open up the systems and the signaling pathways within the body to make those supplements that much more effective.
Eric, from the short amount of time that people have been using Myotrol, what have you seen are the benefits that people are getting?
Generally speaking, they’re finding it easier to be much more active. They’re finding their stamina and endurance increasing and their motivation and mobility to be much better. It’s one of the things that people often forget about and which is a critical part of why aging muscle is such a huge economic problem. For example, loss of muscle strength in the aging population is estimated to cost the medical industry over $18 billion a year. It’s a massive health cost. That’s another reason why conducting research in this area was so important because it’s a huge unmet medical need and also, it represents a huge cost to our medical system.

Myotrol: Aging muscle is such a huge economic problem.
The issue of a loss of mobility or motility, which you can translate also into loss of balance. This is one of the big reasons why people fall, break a bone, and have serious health complication that was associated or originated with aging muscle. Falling down is a direct result of the loss of control over the muscles and loss of strength. If you lift your leg to climb the stairs and you don’t place your leg in the right place because you didn’t lift it high enough, you’re going to fall. It’s important to consider what a huge problem is balance and maintaining balance. That’s directly related to muscle integrity and muscle signaling.
People’s bones actually get weaker as their muscles get weaker. If they do fall, it’s a much higher chance of having a fracture or broken bone.
That’s insane. That’s crazy when you think about it. As the muscles get weaker, the bones get weaker and that’s because there’s not as much tension and pulling on the bone. It’s not being used as much. Is it another case of if you don’t use it, you lose it with the same type of thing with the bone?
Partially, but also, there are some nutritional aspects that bone strength, density, and hardness are ultimately directly related to putting pressure on the bone that helps to maintain the integrity. Other factors go into the matrix of bone itself, but the movement, the lack of movement, or a sedentary lifestyle is one of the primary contributors to osteoporosis and bone loss.
Bone strength, density, and hardness are ultimately directly related to pressure. Share on XIf you have a loss of muscle, you don’t feel like moving around that much, and you get more and more sedentary, your bones get more brittle.
You start to stand up and start moving, you’re weak, you lose balance, you fall, and you break your hip. That’s horrible.
I often tell people the analogy of space flight or an astronaut. If we ever do go to Mars, they’re going to need to deal with muscle loss that comes with a lack of gravitation. One key issue would be that Myotrol would be the perfect supplement for somebody going to Mars who wants to prevent both muscle loss and bone strength loss that will come with a lack of gravitation.
That’s amazing about that. That makes sense because they talk about people losing muscle strength and I believe they get shorter. There’s nothing to pull on the muscles. Everything is light and you’re not using them. You’re moving them, but if you’re not using them, you lose them. I could imagine if you’re not needing to create new muscle because everything is lighter, then your genes might say, “We better not make more muscle.” By taking something like Myotrol that keeps that act of that genetic pathway, signaling pathway open. Even in an environment where there’s no gravity, it will tell you to keep making muscle.
Rollie, you have a bottle to show us.
This is what we’re talking about, Eric.
We understand they’re going to be in gel caps. The average person takes one a day. If people want to start to improve and increase, you can take more than one a day.
That is correct. Over a period of time, people will notice that as it begins to shift, the gene activity in the core principles that are involved in muscle loss and energetics. Over a period of a couple of weeks, they’ll begin to notice more and more dramatic changes that occur. It’s not something that will occur overnight in 24 hours. I tell people that the aging body is like a giant cruise ship like the Viking cruise ship.
It takes a long time to turn that ship. If it’s heading towards an iceberg, the iceberg might be 20 miles out detected by the radar but the ship needs to start turning a long time before it gets close to that iceberg. The aging body is like that giant Viking cruise ship. It takes wild to start turning it back into the direction of youthful activity or the way that those genes and signaling pathways function when a person is in their teens or early 20s.
What you’re saying is that it might take a while to turn but it’s possible.
That’s the key.
Eric, we want to say thank you for taking time out of your day to talk with us. Congratulations on the creation of Myotrol. We’re all looking forward to taking it coming up soon here. We wanted to say thank you also to everyone who is tuning in to the show. Eric, we look forward to bringing you back on the show another time soon.
Before we sign off, he mentioned there are a lot more intricate things earlier in the recording. I’m hoping that you’ll come on again and we can go into a little bit more of these because it’s quite intriguing. I know our audience loves it. I hope everybody enjoyed it. I want to say thanks again, Eric. I appreciate being here.
Absolutely. Thank you, guys.
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About Eric Kuhrts
Eric is a research based scientist and inventor who holds over 20 different patents and has made significant discoveries and breakthroughs in the space of Therapeutic Nutraceutical product creation and research for over 40 years.