The power of visualization and law of attraction allows you to control and govern your own experiences. It’s a lot easier to reach your goals when you have a positive attitude and a clear vision of what you want to accomplish. On the show today, Bob Gilpatrick and Rollie Culp discuss how our own thoughts and visions can alter our realities. As Bob and Rollie talk about how to define the goals that are most important to you, they share their thoughts on using clarity through contrast. Listen in and live forever young as Bob and Rollie talk about emitting and attracting positive energy to improve your health, wealth, and personal relationships.
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Power Visualization & The Law Of Attraction
See It, Be It!
It’s a lot easier to reach your goals when you have a positive attitude and a clear vision of what you want to accomplish. On the show, Bob and Rollie talk about power visualization and the Law of Attraction and how positive or negative thoughts and visions can bring positive or negative experiences into one’s life. Learn how to define the goals that are most important to you by using Clarity Through Contrast and how to emit positive energy to attract positive energy while improving your health, wealth, and personal relationships. Sit back, relax and get ready to live forever young.
How are you doing, Rollie?
I’m doing great, Bob. It’s good to see you.
After our last show, I went and pulled up on the computer the standings for the National Hockey League.
What did you see?
What I discovered was that of all the 32 teams, the Tampa Bay Lightning were within two points of the top. They had 37 points and there were a couple of teams. One had 39 points. A couple had 38, but they are in the top five. They are within one game of getting two points away from being on the top.
Your state of mind and your attitude make a big difference in your life and your performance. Share on XThey are having a good year. What a lot of people who do sports do in order to have a great year is they visualize. They use that as a tool. You have done a lot of work with sportspeople in that type of area, helping them to visualize how they can get better and use that power to improve their game. That’s like what we’re talking about. On the last show, we were talking to Chris Gibson. If you haven’t seen it, check that out. He is a skincare expert.
He also does a lot of the Law of Attraction practices. He is very spiritual and uses visualization to manifest the things that he is working on in his life. Some people call this the Law of Attraction. In fact, there’s a book written by Joe Vitale, who was one of the teachers in the movie, The Secret. It’s called Law of Attraction. There’s another book called The Law of Attraction, which is not the same thing. We’ll be talking about Joe Vitale and his book, Law of Attraction.
Joe is a Psychologist that’s very famous for teaching people techniques on how to be their best self, how to identify what they want from life and what are the most effective ways to do things to get it. A lot of what we’ll talk about is from Joe. In addition, we’re going to talk about some techniques from a book called The ONE Thing. That was written by Gary Keller, who founded the Keller Williams real estate company. It’s the largest firm of its kind in the United States and probably the world.
They say it’s the biggest real estate agency in the entire world.
We’ll talk a little bit about his book, The ONE Thing. That will go along with what Joe teaches. The Law of Attraction essentially is to identify a state of mind, thing, or location where you would like to live but something you would like to aspire toward in your life. You would like to set up an energetic type of positivity that will make it more likely that you get it.

Law Of Attraction: The law of attraction is not to identify a state of mind or a thing or a location where you would like to live, but something you would like to aspire toward in your life.
For example, a very simple example but extremely profound is a technique called the power of yet and more precisely, it’s the power of not yet. If people were to go on to and watch TED Talks, there’s a TED Talk called The Power of Yet. It’s a woman, a brilliant psychologist, who is reporting on research that she used with children in New York City, teaching them how to simply say the phrase, “Not yet.”
If they were asked a question, say it’s a fourth grader and they are to say to the fourth grader, “Can you read at a sixth-grade level?” The child, instead of saying no, would say, “Not yet.” “Have you mastered your multiplying fractions?” The answer would either be yes or not yet, never no. She instituted this school-wide at this school that was an underperforming school. They utilized this for a year during this research study.
What they found is that the children in that school improved their academic capability all the way up to the highest-performing schools in the country. In the wealthiest communities with the children from the highest socioeconomic echelons, these children who were in the lower socioeconomic communities elevated their school performance all the way up to the top, simply by saying not yet. What does that tell you? That tells you that your state of mind, frame of mind, and attitude make a big difference in your life.
Some people are always filtering information and making it worse than it really is. Albert Ellis is another famous psychologist who called those people awfulizers. They would either distort information, delete information that was good or generalize and say, “That’s just like that. That’s bad. This is just like that, so this is also bad.” By constantly having filters this way, you became a negative person and what he called an awfulizer, and your life wasn’t very happy. He would teach people what he called the Rational Emotive Technique to get them out of that habit pattern. Those are a couple of examples.
Dr. Joe Vitale, in his book, Law of Attraction, talks about a concept called Clarity Through Contrast because a lot of times, Joe would say to people that he was helping, “What is it that you want from your life? What do you want to become? What do you want to accomplish?” People weren’t sure, but what they were sure of was what they didn’t want.
Joe created a simple sheet of paper that said, “Don’t want and the opposite.” He started out with this contrast, “List all the things you know you don’t want. What is the opposite of it? Begin to think about, are those the things you do want?” Maybe what I don’t want is poverty. What is the opposite of that? Abundance. Maybe what I don’t want is poor health. What is the opposite of that? Excellent health. It’s a tool to help you to begin to make your list of your vision for your life.
If you start to feel like your mind is contrasting your energy, be sure to focus on intentions. Share on XIt’s funny as you go through life, people ask you, “What are your goals? What is it that you want to become?” A lot of times, you think about it, but you don’t think about it in a critically thinking way. To take the opposite and start with what we don’t want gives us a good roadmap to get to where we want to go.
Once you have certain things, you can now begin to use power visualization, which is part of the Law of Attraction and create visions of what it is you want. Some people will do it in their mind and will say, “To have excellent health, I want to visualize being strong where I can easily lift up things and walk up the stairs with them. I would love to be strong enough and have enough balance to take four bags of groceries and walk up the stairs without using the handrail. Also, I would like to be free of pain. I would like to be limber, flexible, and have a clear state of mind because I’m free of pain.”
What some people could do is to close their eyes and make a picture of themselves in that state. Watch yourself climbing up the stairs with the groceries and you’re seeing yourself doing this. You’re seeing yourself easily bending over to pick something up off of the floor, easily picking up your child or grandchild, throwing them over your shoulder, and playing around in circles or playing baseball. This is the visualization that you would see.
Some people will take it beyond that and use a vision board or software called Mind Movies, which digitizes your vision board. There’s a story in the movie, The Secret, about a vision board where a man named John Assaraf, who is a famous business advisor and counselor, was sitting in a new house with his son, who was five years old and they were unpacking boxes. His son pulled out an old vision board that was a piece of cardboard with pictures that John had cut out from magazines and different places and had glued them onto this board. These were his visions for the future for himself.
They were looking at the vision board and he’s pointed to the picture of a house, which was this beautiful home up on the side of a mountain. It’s a gorgeous multi-story mansion looking out over the water. His son pointed to it and John looked at it. This was from many years ago. He looked at it and he was shocked to realize that they were sitting in that exact house, not a house like it. It’s the house that was in the picture. He didn’t do it on purpose. He purposely put the picture of the house there as a representation of the place he would like to live and ended up living in that exact house.

Law Of Attraction: The key to how law of attraction gets over contrast is to realize that it’s not about the action, but the intention. If that intention isn’t there, then that action can never happen.
That’s crazy. That’s the Law of Attraction.
You can make such a vision board or with the software called Mind Movies. You can do it even with a PowerPoint. What you do is you find pictures on the internet. If you’re going to make a board, find pictures that you can cut out of a magazine or print out of your colored printer and then arrange them on the board or in the software.
With the software, you’re able to put overlays of wording or wording in the next slide so you can show a picture of something you’re looking to accomplish. Say, it’s the example of the health of being strong enough to carry these packages. You would find a picture of a person carrying packages upstairs. In the next slide, you would write out in this slide, “I am so grateful now that I have the strength and balance to carry my groceries upstairs without using the handrail.”
What you have done is you have made this depiction of it and then you pick another goal. It’s the one about pain-free and another one related maybe to your circulation or nutrition status. You stack them together in this Mind Movie and then you pick a song that’s uplifting and is going to give you motivation.
Each day, you turn on your computer and play your Mind Movie. It might be 3, 4, or 5 minutes long and you focus on it. It’s all of your hard work of doing Clarity Through Contrast, picking out these images, picking out your music, declarations, affirmations, and intentions, putting them all together, doing it once, and then using the software to remind you every single day.
That way, you don’t have to try to pull those images up in your mind. You can have a visual representation. It’s a great roadmap to get to where you want to go.
You're changing your energy immediately just by thinking about your goal because that’s what’s going to lead you to action. Share on XInside the software, you’re expressing gratitude as if it’s already done. You have to be a little bit careful with this because your unconscious mind might say, “This is BS because it’s not already done.” Now, you have got this contrasting energy. If you start to feel funny about that, be sure to focus on intentions, “I’m so grateful I have the intention to be strong enough. I’m so grateful this is already done.” The intention is already done.
This was a technique of Harv Eker, who is a very well-known motivational coach guy that puts on a weekend seminar that 2,000 people show up. He is the author of the famous book called Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind. He was the one that came up with that specific aspect of the Law of Attraction that might help some people get over this contrasting energy.
You can fool yourself some of the time but maybe not all the time. If you can realize it’s not the action but the intention, that’s the key because if that intention isn’t there, then that action can never happen.
Things tend to come about. The first time I made a Mind Movie, I put 6 or 7 different things on the Mind Movie. This was years ago. Of those things, three of them have come true. One was to support the Yvonne Reed Christian School in South St. Pete and to help Yvonne. Lo and behold, shortly after I put that up there, a person approached me and said, “My brother-in-law is in charge of this foundation that supports children. If you ever have a good cause for children, let me know about it. He needs new projects to fund.”
This was Peggy Dahl, who I was telling you about who came to me with that. The next thing you know, I hooked up her brother-in-law with Yvonne. It’s a significant grant that helped her school dramatically. Things like that can happen and that’s good. You’re more likely to manifest things like this if you utilize what are called submodalities. What it really is are aspects of something. For example, if you’re looking at being strong to carry your groceries up the stairs, what you can do is imagine aspects of that.

Law Of Attraction: The more you train your mind to think about little nuances that are added to your vision, the more energy you get from it because where your thoughts go is where your energy goes.
For example, how fast are you climbing up the stairs? How easily are you climbing up the stairs? How do you feel when you get to the top of the stairs and realize you did exactly what your intention was? What does it look like? Are these stairs inside or are they outside? If they are outside, what is all around you? Do you see green trees and bright sunshine? How does it feel to be in that bright sunshine and triumphant at the top of those stairs?
How do your muscles look? Do your muscles look strong or stronger? How do your muscles feel after you have carried this upstairs? Do you still have more energy to do even more? Go get another look. It’s the more you get specific and also the more you amplify. Imagine to the extreme. “Here I am walking up the stairs. This is my current physical condition and what I look like. I’m going to look at graduations of my strength.”
“The next time, my muscles look a little stronger. I look a little sprier and I’m carrying two bags of groceries. The next time, I’m carrying three and then four. My muscles are getting bigger and stronger. My face is looking happier.” You can even go to the extreme if you want where you look like Charles Atlas or Arnold Schwarzenegger, where it’s like, “There’s Rollie climbing the stairs with 28 bags of groceries and he is running up the stairs.” There are people that can do that. This is the aspect of submodality.
You’re using these specific examples in your mind to make it more real and help to complete that visualization.
The more you focus on it, it’s like the color. You can say, “When I get to the top of the stairs, the sun is going to be shining. What time of day is it? Is it the morning sun because you have so much energy, you were up before dawn, or is it a beautiful sunset? If it’s a beautiful sunset, what are the colors?” The more you train your mind to think about little nuances that are added to that, the more energy you get from it because where your thoughts go is where your energy goes.
You’re adding energy. You’re creating new energy. They say, “Change your energy. Change your life.” If you’re going to change your energy from dragging yourself out of bed to bounding up the stairs with your groceries, you’re changing your energy immediately by thinking about it because then, it’s going to lead you to action. What do you have to do first? The first step that you’re going to do is one step.
When your energy is changing, you are training your body to draw your new life to you by your daily actions. Share on XTake two bags of groceries that you can hold in one hand if you need to because there are straps. Hold one in each hand, take that first step and see if you’re balanced. If the second step requires you to put the bag in the other hand and hold the rail, take another step and then practice. Put one in each hand and try to take another step. The next day or the day after that, try taking two steps at the beginning.
It’s one step because to take one step is one thing, but to take two steps, you have to use different muscles because you have to balance on the other leg, bring the other leg up and push up on that leg. To be able to walk stairs requires a lot more muscle coordination, strength, and flexibility than taking one step, but you have to start with that one step.
In the book, The ONE Thing by Gary Keller, he talks about focusing on one thing, “Pick the one thing that’s most important to you, focus on that and get started with steps.” He talks about dominoes. You can take one domino and if you tip it, it will tip over a domino that weighs twice as much. Because of the momentum of that domino falling, it will tip a domino that’s twice as heavy, and then that domino will tip one that’s twice as heavy and on and on.
He says, “Pick one big thing that’s most important to you right now for your life.” Let’s say, for example, after doing your Clarity Through Contrast, you say, “This one thing is I want to get stronger because I know that if I get stronger, I’m going to feel better and look better. That is my one thing. What do I have to do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in order to get there?”
You have three to-dos that I would suggest in this regard. Try walking those steps with two bags of groceries one step. Have the ability to use the railing if you need to. Another thing is, in order to do that, you have to have balance and strength. Make a commitment that each day for one minute, you’re going to work on balance and strength.

Law Of Attraction: Celebrate tiny habits because it trains your body and mind to be happy about what happened and your body, mind and soul tend to move towards things that make you feel good.
What would you do? Stand by your bedside and do small deep-knee bends. It’s a little bit down and a little bit up. The next day, you’ll do a little more. That first step is that single day for one minute to do some deep-knee bends. You want to do some balance exercises. You can do a little thing called the Pendulum, where you can stand next to your bed. It’s better to stand next to a chair. Hold on to the chair with one hand, stand on one leg and swing your other leg. Let go of the chair and see if you can stay on balance. If not, grab the chair.
The next day, you’ll probably be able to swing your leg a couple of more times without holding on to the chair. Eventually, bag the chair, swing both arms while you stand on one leg, and swing your leg as far forward or as far back as you can. This might take you a month to get to this point. It’s called the pendulum exercise. It’s great for balance and it syncs up your brain in this balanced mindset. Do that in combination with the deep-knee bends that you increase little by little.
The next thing you know, you’re beginning to actualize and accomplish your initial visualization, which was the picture you made of yourself walking the stairs. The Law of Attraction can help. In some cases, it’s almost like a miracle when I declared I wanted to help the Yvonne School. The next thing you know, here’s a contribution. That’s one thing, but most of the time, it requires action.
The more that you take action, the more you change your energy because now you’re into a positive accomplishment mode. Your energy is changing and you are training your body to draw your new life to you by your daily actions. As that occurs, the Law of Attraction begins to work better. It becomes easier to accomplish your goals because you’re stacking these successes on top of another.
Always remember to celebrate. Celebrate comes from the Tiny Habits. That celebration is critically important because it trains your body and mind to be happy and feel good about what happened because your body, mind, and soul tend to move towards things that make you feel good. This is the basic outline of how the Law of Attraction works.
It’s cool when you think about it. In a couple of other shows we did, like finding a new perspective with Lucy Forsting, we talked about how you visualize and create your own reality. This is another takeaway to make that reality that you visualize come true and become what you want to be, and using techniques like power visualization, where you focus on specific things and sub-modalities, gives a good tool in order to be able to not get lost in the sauce.
It becomes easier and easier to accomplish your goals when you're stacking successes on top of another. Share on XWe were talking about if you’re not sure what your goal is or if you have lost track of your goals, start over. Clarity Through Contrast, use those things that you decide you want to be your goal as your starting point. That’s a good tool. A lot of people can lose track of that, especially when they are stuck with everyday life.
This is the basic part. If you want to learn more advanced techniques, there are a lot of good books about it. One is called Becoming Supernatural. It was written by another Dr. Joe. This is Dr. Joe Dispenza and this is taking it on to the next level.
That’s awesome. Thank you for the information.
Rollie, thank you. Thank you, everyone, for reading. See you at the next show.
Important Links:
- Chris Gibson – Previous episode
- Law of Attraction
- The Law of Attraction
- The ONE Thing
- Keller Williams
- The Power of Yet – TEDx Talk
- Mind Movies
- Harv Eker
- Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind
- Tiny Habits
- Lucy Forsting – Previous episode
- Becoming Supernatural