Every brand has a “why” behind it, and Boomers Forever Young Radio has a big one. In this episode, we meet hosts, Bob Gilpatrick and Larry Daudelin and producer, Rollie Culp. Listen to the story that inspired Bob and Larry to create Boomer Products and Live Forever Young Radio. They also give us a preview of the things that they are going to cover in the podcast. Do you have anything in particular that you would like to ask on the show? Check out LiveForeverYoungRadio.com and ask your question now!
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Why We Started Live Forever Young Radio
The Story That Started It All
We will get to know our hosts, Bob Gilpatrick, Larry Daudelin, the Cofounders of Boomer Products, and Live Forever Young Radio, along with producer and cohost Rollie Culp. We will learn how Bob helped Larry transform his health and in the process, both were inspired to create Boomers Forever Young and Live Forever Young Radio. Sit back, relax, and get ready to live forever young.
I’m Bob Gilpatrick and I am here with Larry Daudelin and Rollie Culp. We wanted to take a few minutes to tell you why we started the show. Years ago, Larry and I founded Boomers Forever Young, which is an anti-aging nutrition company. The reason that we did this is I had come to one of Larry’s office buildings and I was helping him with a computer project. I also offered if he would like me to help him a little bit with his health. Larry was what the Brits would call crumbly. He was 65 and his body was starting to break down because of all the activity and things he had done over the years. By working together with special stress management techniques and new nutrition techniques, Larry de-aged significantly. We were able to get them off of all of his medications and he canceled a couple of surgeries he was scheduled to have. At that point, Larry said to me, “Bob, why don’t we start a company where we can help many more people than just me?” That’s when we started Boomers Forever Young.
It was important because I didn’t like where I was going. I had a bad prognosis of what’s going to happen in ten years. We look back many years now and I de-aged and lost 50 pounds. My whole health regime has changed, but it was because I wanted to do that. I wanted to go ahead and start a company that can pay things forward. Bob was instrumental in getting me there and we would always measure my progress and it kept getting better through the products that we were developing. Bob was instrumental in that. We also have some good scientists and formulators that work for us. Together we have quite the team.
During the episodes of the show, we’re going to help people with habit management because implementing new regimes for your health requires that you change some of your habits. In each episode, we’re going to work people through a technique that is called the Emotional Freedom Technique. It’s also called tapping. We’re also going to take questions from the audience and provide the answers to those questions. We want people to be able to send in questions.
With the right guidance and information, you can live a long healthy life. Check out LiveForeverYoungRadio.com and ask your question now! Share on XWhile you’re on the topic, we want you to check out LiveForeverYoungRadio.com. We’ll have a way for you guys to submit a question. We’ll also have a phone number you can call and possibly leave a voicemail. We would like to get your voice. If not, that’s okay. You can always write us an email with a question. That’s what we find is where a lot of our good stuff comes from because we can think of things that we have problems within our health. When it comes from somebody else when we can help them with some good information, that’s what we strive for. That’s a big part of why the show got created.
We want to hear what’s going on with people. What are the issues that they’re real people out there are dealing with?
Some of the topics we’re going to cover are things like stress, anxiety, and other health topics or issues like inflammation, how do you increase your circulation, the absorption of your nutrients, things about antioxidants, and the like. We hope what will happen for you is that you’ll be inspired and empowered with new information. You’ll be challenged to uplevel your own highest thoughts for yourself and begin to be the type of person with the right guidance and information, you can live a long healthy life.
We’re not going to have a show on do’s and don’ts. You can look at the do’s and the don’ts all day long. We are here to inspire you and to help you along and truly get to the heart of what is happening with you personally, and what other people are experiencing.

We want to engage with you. We wouldn’t know how you’re doing unless we engage with you. This is part of it.
This is at a time in our life. I’m 75, Bob is 63, and Rollie is in the mid-40s. We’re at the time in our life that we want to pay it forward. This is what it’s all about for us. Helping other people, paying it forward, making other people healthy, and get some wonderful results.
Also, learning how to live forever young.
Larry and Rollie, thank you. Enjoy the show, everybody.
May 21, 2021 6:13 pmBob, I just recently discovered you and certainly enjoy learning from your knowledge and experience. I need help with effective and truly restful sleep. I periodically take 2 or 3 of the 10Mg pills of melatonin and it helps marginally. I was impressed that Bruce raved about your sleep med and how it seems that it has also helped his dream state.
I reviewing your sleep med I see that it provides 3Mg of melatonin; and wonder if it is designed for someone with much milder sleep issues. Your opinion please.
If you are able to share information with Bruce: I am a Vietnam combat infantry veteran and have been a veteran’s service officer and advocate organizing veterans networks and memorial patriotic educational programs for over 40 years, and we are interested in learning more about his Veterans Retreat Network project.
Thank you for your consideration. Jess