Stem cells are amazing. They can help repair and rebuild your body, but they need the right nutrition to do it! It’s not just about what you eat. A lot of it also comes down to how you eat. Stem cells are the Holy Grail to anti-aging. The more we can keep them at their healthiest, the better they will be able to help our bodies regenerate. Ann Harrison, the author of Rev Up Your Stem Cell Power, comes back on the show with Bob Gilpatrick to share some great ways to make sure your stem cells get what they need to renew and repair your body so you can live your best life.
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Stem Cells Need Nutrition Too! With Ann Harrison
The Importance Of Nutrition For Stem Cell Health
We will be speaking with Ann Harrison author of Rev Up Your Adult Stem Cell Power. Stem cells are amazing but they need nutrition too. Bob and Ann share some great ways to make sure your Stem cells get what they need to renew and repair your body so you can live your best life. Sit back, relax and get ready to live forever young.
I’m here with Ann Harrison, the author of Rev Up Your Stem Cell Power. We’re here with Rollie Culp. He is going to contribute to our program. Ann, we’ve been on together twice before on Live Forever Young Radio. Once, we talked all about adult stem cells and now, we’re going to talk about after the stem cell is released from your bone marrow, comes out into the blood and travels and then morphs into the various types of cells, your liver cells, your heart cells, brain cells. From that point on, what do we need to do to protect those cells and nourish those cells? In the same content, we’ll talk about nourishing the adult stem cell itself while it’s in the bone marrow.
I think that’s an important topic, Bob because years ago when I did research about that book to write the book, nobody ever talked about stem cell nutrition after they’re released from the bone marrow, it’s important. Those stem cells are so precious once they get where they need to go to morph, then 48 to 72 hours to become that new cell type. We don’t want them to die when they made all that trouble to get where they need to go to renew, repair and regenerate our organs and tissues.
We can start with that part. If we’re going to be feeding these new cells because a cell has a membrane that allows nutrients to pass through that membrane down into the cell. It also allows toxins to go out through that membrane. Inside the cell itself are multiple different organelles and your DNA. You have DNA both in the nucleus and you have DNA in your mitochondria, which is one of the organelles. We need to talk about what exactly are the substrates or nutrients that brand new cell needs in order to function properly and as you said, not die off too soon. If we’re going to eat food or we’re going to take nutritional supplements, like the total health system, the first thing we have to do is properly digest it.
A lot of people forget that digestion starts in your mouth. When you first take food into your mouth immediately, your mouth starts secreting enzymes and you also have bacteria in your mouth to help digest food. A big part of your digestion is making sure that part happens that when the food arrives in your stomach, it’s already partly digested, to make sure that you leave the food in your mouth for a while and chew it. If you’re eating food, chew well and if you are drinking something like the powder that you dissolve in a glass of water with the Total Health System. You want to leave that liquid in your mouth for a little bit. Don’t drink it down your throat, take some into your mouth. It tastes good.
Bring it into your mouth, let it sit for a little while, have a small amount in your mouth and then swallow that and then take another small amount to put in your mouth. This helps with that digestion.
Stimulation of the digestive enzymes.
If you’re looking at trying to help your cells to receive more nutrients through proper circulation, you have to have arginine and you have to have nitric oxide, in order to make that happen, to dilate your capillaries. If you’re trying to get nitric oxide, when people take in foods that contain nitrogen like beets, it’s in the form of NO3 and in your mouth, it gets broken to NO2 so that when it arrives in your stomach, you can break it into NO or nitric oxide so that it begins to dilate your capillaries. If you fail to chew the food and you gulp a glass of beet juice, it’s going to arrive in your stomach without having that first stage of digestion happen. You’ll never make the nitric oxide. You can go to all the trouble to have a very healthy drink but if you don’t let your mouth help digest it, it’s useless essentially.
That’s interesting. I would’ve never thought drinking something with you would need to stimulate something when you’re drinking something for digestive purposes.
As people age, this becomes even more important because once you’ve finished chewing your food, it arrives in your stomach. Now, you need digestive enzymes and acid to further digest that food. As we age, we produce less of these digestive enzymes. It makes it important to have access to a good digestive enzyme that you can take by mouth with your meals. That’s one part of it is that initial digestion. As the food arrives is finished being digested it’s in a highly acidic form in your stomach, your stomach is a highly acidic environment and it needs to be alkalized or it needs to change its pH more towards alkaline before it can drop down into your small intestine. Your small intestine is not made for accepting acidic chyme, which is the liquid of digested food into your small intestine. It likes it to be alkalized. Before it gets ready to drop down in, you secrete alkalizing enzymes from your pancreas. It helps to alkalize it. You can make sure that you have a digestive enzyme that also contains those alkalizing enzymes, that your pancreas would have to do the work normally.
Aren’t you supposed to make digestive enzymes normally? Why are you going to take extra ones?
No. As you age, you make less. You make a lot of different compounds that you normally make. You make less of it as you age. That’s one of them. Once that alkalize chime arrives in your small intestine, it’s going to absorb nutrients from that chyme whether it’s nutrients from food or nutrients from nutritional supplements. That’s done by the villi the little hairs in your small intestine are going to absorb those nutrients. You and I were talking earlier about how those villi need to constantly have new life given to them because as you age, they tend to get coated over by a plaque and they get smothered and they’ll die off.
Villi have that hard plaque, even as early as maybe age 30 because when we say age, we’re thinking like Baby Boomers but it happens a lot earlier in life.
People are aging earlier now than they were before because of many toxins, and also because way more people now are overweight than we used to have. They’re aging faster from being overweight. We’ve talked about that too with the villi, as you age, you want to have something that will constantly cleanse the plaque off of the villi. That you can do with superoxide dismutase, which is a compound, that’s like a Pac-Man molecule that seeks out free radicals and toxins and absorbs them and moves them out of your body. That’s a compound that’s in one of the products from Boomers Forever Young, which is a sprouted barley seed product, heirloom barley and gladiator barley. That compound will cleanse out your small intestine.
That’s the instance of superoxide dismutase.
They’ll cleanse that plaque away and regrow those little villi they’re made from glucosamine has plenty of glucosamine both in the barley products and Boomer Boost.
The glucosamine, is that the compound that helps to repair them?
Yes, it helps to restore them. This now allows you almost at any age to have great absorption. Ann, if you could talk a little bit about the circulation aspect because now you’ve absorbed the nutrients. They’re in your blood but nothing happens unless you have the adequate circulation that will bring those nutrients right to the site of the cell, which it does in the capillaries. If you could tell us a little bit about that microcirculation so people can begin to understand what to do to enhance that.
They’re discovering the importance of microcirculation because years ago, there were only three places in the world that had a high-powered microscope to be able to see in those nearly invisible to the naked eye, microvessels.
Do they have an eye-powered microscope?
It’s video biophotonics so you can see the blood flowing in the capillary.
Before, it was cost-prohibitive only $25 million pieces of equipment. Now, a lot of the technology is coming down in price. There are hundreds of scientists over the last couple of years that can see into those nearly invisible capillaries. Because of that, they’re coming out with more scientific studies and clinical studies to show. In the Aging and Disease magazine, they announced in May of 2019 that nearly every single chronic disease, those are the diseases that they say you’re going to have to take a pill for the rest of your life. Not infectious, nearly every single chronic disease now scientists are saying, “Only is due to poor microcirculation.”
Those are the small vessels.
Extremely small and they say that our cardiovascular system is about 75,000 miles in length, hard to imagine but 75% of that is nearly invisible to the naked eye. They said if they pulled it out of our bodies, the average person, it would cover an entire tennis court. If you think we get blockages in our arteries, in our heart that is the size of a straw and think how many blockages must have in those invisible capillaries. Another example, they say pluck out one of your hairs divided by 10 in diameter. That’s about the width of those microvessels. We have hundreds of blockages in our body. What’s nice about that PEMF device that we have in our homes. A lot of hospitals have it now. The one we have the only one that is so revered, it’s used in 4,000 medical clinics and hospitals by NASA, by prestigious, revered athletes around the world.
We have it in our homes, we land this pant and in eight minutes, we’re going to have 30% more circulation to those microvessels. When we’re talking about also what Bob’s talking about, this PEMF signal is going to be able to put a nice charge around our cells. Particularly red blood cells, that need to deliver our oxygen, which later on in the talk, he’s going to talk about the importance of oxygen. When those capillaries can open up then the bloodstream can deliver all the nutrients. The red blood cells can deliver the oxygen and they’re like dump trucks. Once they dump off the oxygen, they’re like empty dump trucks and they can pick up the toxins that take them out of our body. Your stem cells would want to be clean of toxins, they’ll get neutral find and they’ll have a nice magnetic charge around them to be able to take in the nutrients and push out the toxins.
The reason why we feel low energy is because we are overfed and undernourished. Share on XHuman beings evolved on this planet Earth which has a specific pattern of light. It’s based on our atmosphere. The sun is giving off light and it’s being filtered by a unique atmosphere. That light arrives on us. It heats our bodies. We’ve evolved in a specific PEMF, Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields some from the sun but even stronger coming from the core of the earth. Our bodies react to those PEFMs from the core of the earth. The capillaries expand when they encounter those pulses from the core of the earth. We’re able to mimic that, to a degree with mechanical devices, that power a mat that you can lie on and you ended up getting much closer on blast of pulsed electromagnetic forces that helped to dilate your capillaries.
You do an eight-minute routine. For the next fourteen hours, your capillaries now are activated and you ended up with about 30% more circulation. We evolved in this light, and so human beings are absorbing light and ourselves are dependent on light and depending on the PEMF and also on the oxygen, that’s in the atmosphere. We’re taking a breath, we’re taking in all the different gases that are in the atmosphere coming into our lungs and we’re extracting the oxygen, which then rides along with the red blood cell in the hemoglobin. It comes through hopefully a robust circulatory system, arrives at the cell, along with the nutrients. This is what constitutes feeding a cell with proper nutrition. What are the things we want to expect from this, with proper nutrition and the right amount of oxygen? One is energy.
Human beings are energetic beings. We’re up and about, walking around doing things. We can only do that because our cells produce energy. Our cells produce a molecule of energy ATP that is powering all the other metabolic pathways in our body. One of the things about cellular nutrition and feeding is you want to be able to give your mitochondria, the organelle that is responsible for making this energy for the whole rest of the body. You want to give it the right nutrients. First off, it has to have a macronutrient supply, which it can burn, proteins, fats, carbohydrates. In order then to execute this complex cycle that ends up turning it into ATP, it requires many actions in a cyclical metabolic pathway called the Krebs cycle. If you have enough vitamin B1, 3, 5, 6 coenzyme Q10, those are all substrates necessary to keep that cycle rolling.
They say millions of Americans visit the doctor for low energy.
Low energy is the most common complaint of all doctor visits. There are a lot of reasons for low energy but a big one is especially in the United States, people are overfed but undernourished. We’re eating foods that are sugary and the sugar ends up getting stored as fat. There’s a number of bad things about eating too much sugar. This relates to protecting your cells. If you eat too much sugar, a lot of that sugar gets converted into fat. Through another metabolic pathway, that fat has that hormonal process that makes it so you never feel full. The more sugar you eat, the more you want to eat. If you’re eating empty calories and you’re not getting enough of the B vitamins and CoQ10 from the food you eat, if you can’t digest it properly, if your villi are smothered over or if your circulation is bad now, you are going to be in a situation where you can’t make enough of this energy.
You want to have the right mix of background nutrients and micronutrients to optimize your Krebs Cycle so that you can now make energy. For most people, they’re complaining of low energy. If you were to give them comprehensive nutrition and teach them how to not eat toxic foods and sugary foods, their energy level is going to go up usually dramatically. This is how our body makes energy. Once you’ve made that energy, all of your other cells begin to work better because a huge component of cellular health is having enough of this ATP molecule.
What does that stand for?
Adenosine Triphosphate. It’s another big thing and is damaged to the cells. Damage to cells is caused primarily by the endogenous creation of aerobic life. We are a body, that’s like a log that’s burning in the fire. We were burning this log in the fire and over time that burns out. In the case of a log, probably a couple of hours, it’s burnt out and you got to add more to the fire. With humans, it’s about 100 years. The reason we’re burning ourselves up is our metabolic pathways, including the creation of ATP creates free radicals. We’ve done a whole show on free radicals before.
Free radicals, you need free radical scavengers.
The free radicals are damaging your tissue, cells, telomeres and DNA. Over time we literally burn ourselves up. In order to make sure that your cells are not constantly being damaged by free radicals and mitochondria themselves are damaged by free radicals, they produce free radicals and they’re damaged by free radicals. You want to have enough antioxidants in your nutritional supplements in your food in order to keep that rate of burn down. You want to slow that rate of burn. The superoxide dismutase we talked about earlier that helps the villi also is the main antioxidant for the human body.
What I heard is that sod, which is in your barley, you call it as a super antioxidant. Compared to a regular antioxidant you said that the super antioxidant keeps recycling for 24 hours to neutralize more free radicals and displaying antioxidants from vitamin C.
In considering that, you want to have a combination of antioxidants. Glutathione, for example, is an antioxidant by itself, but it’s also good at recharging other antioxidants. An antioxidant is essentially you’re having an electrical exchange. It changes the electrical composition of that molecule. The glutathione will come and restore it to its original state so it can work again. That’s why you want, not only superoxide dismutase, but you want trimethylglycine, glutathione, some proanthocyanins and vitamins and minerals by the ACE vitamins: A, C and E. You want minerals like selenium and zinc, which are also antioxidants. They have a synergistic effect. They work together. The opportunity in this day and age of modern nutrition science is when you get products that contain all those antioxidants, you can slow down that rate of burn and you can measure it with a blood test. There’s a blood test called C-Reactive Protein or CRP. You’ll have to ask your doctor for it when you go for your blood work.
What does that measure?

CRP is the measure of inflammation in your body. It is a protein/enzyme that’s produced in your liver in reaction to inflammation. It’s a biomarker. It’s the most important biomarker that the life insurance companies use to determine how long they think you’re going to live. The lower, the better. The typical person CRP on the scale usually comes out at about 3 or 4, a person with diabetes, typically as much higher. What you want to do is get your CRP down below 0.5. If you get it down below 0.5, you have a chance to rebuild your body faster than you’re burning it.
That’s the key.
That’s the Holy Grail of anti-aging. By using for example the Boomers Forever Young Total Health System, all those antioxidants are in that Total Health System. You can go for blood work and see your CRP and go back six months later and look at it again. Typically, it drops by a factor of 10, not 10% but by 10 times. If your number is three, it’s going to go to 0.3. If your number is five, you can get it down to 0.5.
We’ve had some people who have called us and let us know that’s something that’s very helpful specifically diabetics.
One particular person with diabetes signed it for many years and his CRP went down below 0.1, even a person who’s A1C, which is another test that you want to get is still high. That’s the measure of sugar in your blood. That sugar in your blood is creating elevated CRP. The sugar in your blood doesn’t just sit there, it bumps up against proteins and you went to a lot of trouble to make these beautiful proteins. The sugar bumps up against it and glycates it and creates a toxin that can damage you and throws off a molecule of superoxide, which is the most powerful while the oxidating compounds.
It’s not a superoxide dismutase. This is the superoxide.
The superoxide dismutase is what negates it. When you have high blood sugar, you make more superoxide, so you need more superoxide dismutase in order to keep your rate of burns, it’s lower. The point of the matter is, even with high blood sugar and a high CRP in the range of 5 or 6, we have at least one person who was able to get their CRP below 0.1. Essentially their rate of burn has stopped and they’re no longer aging from oxidative stress, which is about 50% of the reason why people age. You want to avoid toxins like sugars. The other thing highly damaging is trans fats. Trans fats are in foods that are processed foods and in foods that have been improperly cooked. If you have an oil that has no trans fats, the oil says, “Cook with this oil, there’s no transference.”
If you don’t know how to cook that oil, it’s quickly going to have trans fats. The polarity of the bond that’s holding the fat together, it’s going to flip and it’s going to move from a cis fat to a trans fat. If you want to do it right, you have to slowly heat your oil in the pan over the course of a whole hour. You put it on the lowest level and then come back five minutes later and turn it up. Ten minutes later, turn it up slowly, heat it up to about 350 degrees. Anything more than about 350 degrees is going to flip it into trans fat. You want to have a thermometer where you can test this. Those trans fats are highly caustic and cause a lot of damage to your body, and that’s something to avoid.
The other thing about toxins and food is overcooking meat with dry temperatures. If you put a hamburger onto the grill, into a frying pan or even bake it in the oven, if there’s no liquid present and you’re cooking it over 300 degrees, what happens is in this case, the sugar in the meat glycates not the protein but the fat in the meat. This time it creates a glycotoxin, which is one of the most powerful carcinogens or cancer-causing agents that people consume. Even the Center for Disease Control will say this is 1 of the 2 leading causes of cancer in the United States, overcooked meat. Even if it’s not burnt, you could get medium-rare. If the outside of the hamburger is over 300 degrees while it’s cooking, you’re consuming glycotoxins that aren’t even positively identifiable as food under a microscope.
This is going to damage your cells, these toxins and you want to avoid that. The other things about toxins are air pollution. People are constantly exposed to tire dust, car fumes and pesticides. In almost every town, they spray the grass. That’s in the common areas of the town and people spray their yards with pesticides. It’s on the street, it’s a runoff, it’s also the drift from the spray gets on the sidewalks, in your driveway, and on the street, everywhere. It clings to everything. Where you collect the most of it is on your shoes. When you go in at night, your shoes during the day have been picking up tire dust, car fumes that have settled into the sidewalks and pesticides.
You’re leaving your shoes inside the house and all night long, they’re off-gassing. You’re breathing in those toxins. The Center for Disease Control is right up there with overcooked meat as the leading cause of cancer in the United States, leaving your shoes inside the house. Figure out a way to leave your shoes outside. Those are some of the toxins. The good news is that when you consume the compounds that are in the products that are in the Boomers Forever Young Total Health System, they are good at scavenging those toxins and moving them out of your body. Free radical scavengers but also scavenge toxins that aren’t necessarily free radicals. For example, if you start taking our barley product or Heirloom Barley or the Gladiator Barley, your body’s going to start detoxing and not just a little bit.
That’s why you have to ease into it. It comes with a tiny scoop that you take one of for the whole first week, once a day for a week. You’re able to double that and then keep slowly moving up and black mold’s going to come out of your body. The pesticides are going to come out of your body. A lot of the glycotoxins from the overcooked meat are going to come out of your body. This is a great way to give yourself a fresh start. All those cells that you went to all the trouble to make by making adult stem cells now are no longer laid in with toxins and your cells have a chance to function the way they were designed.
That makes me glad that I’ve been on these products for a number of years.
Stem cells are the Holy Grail of anti-aging. Share on XIt’s a way to maybe make up for some of the sins of inhaling tire dust, not that you mean to. That sounds horrible.
A couple of other things is these people are protein-making machines. Our body makes at least 100,000 different proteins. The way we make them is there’s a code in your DNA. There are instructions in your DNA for how our body can assemble these proteins. They’re pretty complex. In that code for how to make these proteins is locked within your DNA and it’s coded up with a protein sheath and in order for those instructions to be available something has to ping that protein sheath and unwrap it and unveil the beauty of that code in your DNA.
You’ve got to get through the force field, then it opens up. There’s the information on how to make a protein like a superoxide dismutase. You want to be able to make superoxide dismutase. There’s a part of a code in your DNA for it, RNA, it comes and makes a copy of that unveiled section, comes out into the cell and makes that protein. To make that protein, it needs amino acids and metabolic enzymes. The amino acids are the building blocks of the protein, and the enzymes are the glue that helps hold it together and splice it and make the electrical attractions. All of a sudden with the right metabolic enzymes, which your body has about 10,000 different ones, you can now make these beautiful proteins.
Those help you carry out the processes.
That’s what proteins make up every part of your body. This is important to know because in order for you to activate that part of your genome, meaning for something to hit that protein sheath and make it unwrap a lot of it is related to nutrients, which have to be either made inside your body, yourself, consumed by mouth. As to be digested, absorbed and circulated, to get inside the cell, to get inside the nucleus, to ping that protein sheath, to unwrap that portion of the DNA in order for protein synthesis to occur.
What if it doesn’t get there?
That protein synthesis simply won’t occur. There will be no genetic activation, no epigenetic activity. For example, vitamin D3 is a molecule that activates somewhere around 20% to 25% of your entire genome for making all of those proteins. If you’re low in vitamin D3, you’re going to be low in genetic expression. You’re going to be low in the unwrapping portion. You’re going to have a difficult time making that cell function properly. The cellular function of making proteins is highly dependent on vitamin D3. That’s why we put vitamin D3 pills as a separate product in the Total Health System.
Yours is all-natural. I hear there’s a big difference between what we can pretty much get at Walmart, which is probably synthetic compared to all-natural. The all-natural you taught us was way more effective.
Your body has more of an affinity for it and will utilize it more readily. This is another part of nutrition that involves the healthy functioning of the cell. That is going to help create the stimulation of this epigenome. In that epigenome is the code for making metabolic enzymes. If you want those metabolic enzymes, they’re going to help splice together the amino acids to make proteins. You have to be able to unwrap the part of your DNA that has the code for how to make that metabolic enzyme.
You’ve got to get the plans.
What we do as a holistic nutrition company is we provide a lot of those metabolic enzymes for you by mouth. If for some reason like age, you’re making less of them as you age, it’s good to be able to consume them. That’s why one of our scientists goes to all this trouble to sprout barley seeds because he knows at a specific spot in the sprouting process, there are about 4,000 different metabolic enzymes in that sprout. He’s able to stop those sprouts from sprouting, right at that moment. Stabilize the nutrients with a trade secret and then grind them up after they’ve dried out in old fashioned stone grinding wheel and then becomes a powder that Boomers Forever Young is the distributor. You can mix that powder in a glass of water with your Boomer Boost and some probiotics and drink it. You will be infusing your body with about 4,000 of the 10,000 metabolic enzymes you need.
This is an ancient barley. It’s not barley even this century, it’s thousands of years old, the seed line.
We have two different seed lines, Heirloom Barley and Gladiator Barley. Any heirloom seed is pre-1940 before they started crossbreeding them and bred out all the proteins and all the nutrients in order to get better germination. Our scientist is an expert in germination and he can germinate the heirloom seeds in the ancient seeds. That’s what we now have access to. This is part of the new science of holistic nutrition. These types of things like the creation of Boomer Boost and the discoveries that led to it and the creation of the sprouted barley seeds are recent discoveries.

The new science of holistic nutritionist is what you say.
These are discoveries that allow for people like us who have been using the products for years as we age to have robust health. People age faster as they get older. It makes sense because if you’re aging from free radicals, from oxidative stress and your body starts making fewer antioxidants then you’re going to age faster.
That happens when you make fewer digestive enzymes, you make fewer antioxidants to kill all the inflammation.
You age faster as you get older unless you have access to stabilized antioxidants. Some antioxidants have a short half-life. Half-life means how much time before only half of the product is still available. In the case of SOD, it’s ten minutes. You have to have a way to stabilize it, to increase that half-life. In our case, they increased it to four years. It no longer is being oxidized out of existence. That’s called the nutrient stabilization process. It’s a trade secret and it’s utilized, that’s why you have to take the barley slowly. There’s much SOD in there that your bodies are not used to that amount and not used to detoxing that fast. You have to follow the instructions and go along with them in that regard.
The other thing was the whole issue of hormones. Cellular communication, cellular activity controlled to a great degree by hormones. There are numerous glands in your body that produce hormones and even organs that produce hormones. People need to know where they stand in that regard. Having your doctor test your thyroid for your TSH, T3, T4 and reverse T3 for certain. Having a complete female hormone profile, complete male hormone profile and what they’re testing there are your sex hormones, which is pregnant alone, Andro DHEA, testosterone, estradiol and cortisol. You want to have a full picture of how your body’s doing with those hormones as well as specifically more in-depth on your adrenal hormones. If you have a test like that, you can easily see where you might need assistance in helping to create a conversion from one to another.
There are numerous nutrients that will help you to balance that whole hormone cascade along the way. That’s something that Boomers Forever Young nutrition company can also assist you with an important part of cellular health. The other thing is it turns out that even with all of this effort, it’s only 1/10th of the effort necessary because our human bodies are only 1/10th human. We are 10% human and 90% bacteria, virus, fungus, parasites, microorganisms that are living inside of us and are living on us. You have more bacteria on the surface of your skin than you have human cells.
Where you are is a walking, breathing collection of mostly bacteria, fungus and virus, and with a mixed in a little bit of human. Knowing that this is the case and bacteria, for example, are responsible for the pathway that makes your neurotransmitters, serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. What gives us consciousness, the ability to think and feel is made by bacteria. You have to understand that we literally are able to think and talk like we’re doing because of bacteria. You want to know what do we do then to make those bacteria function properly. It turns out the bacteria love fiber. A lot of fiber when humans eat fiber will get digested. There’s none left for the bacteria.
A lot of people forget that digestion starts in the mouth. Share on XWhat if the bacteria resides lower?
Bacteria starts in your mouth. Bacteria is all over your skin.
I know, but the one that needs the fiber.
That’s mostly in your large intestine. There are bacteria throughout your entire elementary canal, starting with your mouth. If you can get the fiber that is what’s called resistant or indigestible fiber, and a lot of fiber is whole flax, psyllium fiber and fiber in the barley makes its way to your large intestine or your gut and intact in the bacteria interacts with that, ferments it, creates metabolites, which are molecules that are part of the human living process that then interact with the human cell, the human DNA to create all of the magic of the human DNA. Our genetic expression is highly dependent on the interaction of bacteria that are having genetic expression within their DNA, based on the foods that we’re eating and thus, creating an interface with the whole human cell aspect of our beingness.
It’s happening fast. If you were to say we’re looking at the Krebs Cycle, for example, we made a molecule of ATP. How long did that take approximately 10 to the minus 22 nanoseconds? Every nanosecond, it’s making trillions of molecules of ATP and you can look at the back of your hand and the life that’s occurring in the back of your hand. As you’re looking at it, it’s happening so fast that you could speed it up octillion times and you’d never be able to watch it. That’s how fast things are happening inside of our bodies. By the time a day goes by and you take up the many trillions of human cells and the quadrillions of bacterial cells and all the activity that’s occurring and all the communication that’s going back and forth. Between bacteria to human, to fungus, the virus, human-to-human organelle-to-organelle, it’s happening more times per day than there are all the stars and all the galaxies of the universe.
That’s almost inconceivable.
It is hard to imagine but nonetheless true.
Bacteria is important. What I’m hearing is that the problem is with us Americans, we need good bacteria and bad bacteria because you said the good bacteria eat the bad for food, but most Americans have too much bad compared to their goods. Why don’t you talk about that?
A lot of that is because of sugar. The sugar is feeding the bad bacteria and they’re proliferating. You have to have a semblance of a balance of bacteria in your gut. A lot of times, people will get an overgrowth of bad bacteria. A thing people get is this thing called SIBO, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, and it can totally wreck your life. It’s such a bad thing that it makes you not digest food, you’ll be losing weight. You’ll feel sick all the time. It’s a miserable disease. The other thing is the bad bacteria can leak out into your abdominal cavity and infect organs that are in that cavity, including your liver, which will then begin retaining fat and you’ll end up with fatty liver disease.
One of the things you can do for fatty liver disease is number one, take a good probiotic that will help where the good bacteria will help scavenge those bad bacteria, eat less sugar and more undigestible starch. The other thing that you can do, you can take a compound called Phosphatidylcholine. Choline is a compound that’s in your diet but most people don’t get enough of it. It’s converted to Phosphatidylcholine, which is the compound that extracts from your liver to allow it to be burned for fuel. There’s phosphatidylcholine in the Boomer Boost product. That’s something you can access by going to the LiveForeverYoungRadio.com That’s the general. Each one of these areas can be a show in itself and we’ll talk about some of the other things. We’ve already talked about PEMF with Ann, we’ve talked about stem cells and we might talk about epigenetics and energy and maybe a special show on toxins, another one on hormones.
We cover a lot of ground and we’re going to have to dive deeper in the future episodes.
I want to say, Ann, thanks for joining us. It’s great to have you again.
It’s always a pleasure to be here with a great moderator, Rollie, and also a walking encyclopedia, Bob. Thank you.
Thank you. Thanks for reading the blog. We hope to be with you on another episode.
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About Ann Harrison

Ann Harrison has studied Stem Cells and Whole Body Holistic Health for years and is the author of the Book “Rev up your Adult Stem Cell Power”.
She has introduced hundreds of people to the New Science of PEMF or pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields that can help increase Blood Flow and Circulation.